An Andrew Jackson
Eternity is writ on vanity…
Based on historical events that took place in the adolescence of the nation, An Andrew Jackson is an epic poem that traces the blood-flowing courses of America’s most scandalizing and seminal president.
An Andrew Jackson is the second installment of the Books of Amerika series of dramatic poetry. With a historian’s attention to detail, a poet’s traditional meter, and a dramatist’s evocative characterizations, author Joseph Eldredge revitalizes the poetic drama, bringing to life again all the beauty of American verse - with annotations - to immerse the reader in a unique experience of History and Dream.
About the Author
Joseph Eldredge, BA, MPS, is an accomplished poet, teacher, and scholar. He is also a contributing member of the Society of Classical Poets. Joseph lives in the small town of Alma, Colorado, seated 10,300ft above sea level, in the heart of the wild Rocky Mountains.
Eternity is writ on vanity…
Based on historical events that took place in the adolescence of the nation, An Andrew Jackson is an epic poem that traces the blood-flowing courses of America’s most scandalizing and seminal president.
An Andrew Jackson is the second installment of the Books of Amerika series of dramatic poetry. With a historian’s attention to detail, a poet’s traditional meter, and a dramatist’s evocative characterizations, author Joseph Eldredge revitalizes the poetic drama, bringing to life again all the beauty of American verse - with annotations - to immerse the reader in a unique experience of History and Dream.
About the Author
Joseph Eldredge, BA, MPS, is an accomplished poet, teacher, and scholar. He is also a contributing member of the Society of Classical Poets. Joseph lives in the small town of Alma, Colorado, seated 10,300ft above sea level, in the heart of the wild Rocky Mountains.
Eternity is writ on vanity…
Based on historical events that took place in the adolescence of the nation, An Andrew Jackson is an epic poem that traces the blood-flowing courses of America’s most scandalizing and seminal president.
An Andrew Jackson is the second installment of the Books of Amerika series of dramatic poetry. With a historian’s attention to detail, a poet’s traditional meter, and a dramatist’s evocative characterizations, author Joseph Eldredge revitalizes the poetic drama, bringing to life again all the beauty of American verse - with annotations - to immerse the reader in a unique experience of History and Dream.
About the Author
Joseph Eldredge, BA, MPS, is an accomplished poet, teacher, and scholar. He is also a contributing member of the Society of Classical Poets. Joseph lives in the small town of Alma, Colorado, seated 10,300ft above sea level, in the heart of the wild Rocky Mountains.